Hospital Discharge Program

Care Fast Rapid Hospital Discharge Program

Your Path to a 'Forever Home' with our MTA and Respite Services

Our team at Care Fast understands the importance of a smooth transition from hospital to community for NDIS participants. That's why we specialize in high-intensity support through our Rapid Hospital Discharge Program.
With our program, we offer a nimble solution for individuals with disabilities who are leaving the hospital and need assistance in finding suitable Medium-Term Accommodation while awaiting permanent arrangements. Our property matching specialists work closely with participants to understand their specific requirements and find accommodation that meets their needs.
But our support doesn't stop there. We believe in a holistic approach to care, which is why we also provide tailored NDIS-funded support during this pivotal phase. Our team of professionals, work hand in hand with participants, hospitals, allied health professionals and families to ensure a secure and seamless return to the community.

At Care Fast, we understand that the transition from hospital to community can be overwhelming for both participants and their families. That's why we take the time to project manage the entire process, ensuring that all parties involved are well-informed and supported every step of the way.
Our goal is to make this transition as smooth as possible, allowing participants to focus on their recovery and independence. With our Rapid Hospital Discharge Program, we are committed to providing the highest level of support and care to NDIS participants, helping them regain control of their lives and thrive in the community.

Why Care Fast

  • MTA, STA, SDA Accommodation Expertise
  • Person-centered support and transitional management
  • Strong Alliances with Hospitals and NGOs
  • Seamless Transition to Your Community

By choosing Care Fast, you can rest assured that you will receive professional respite services and personalized support throughout your journey. Our team is committed to making your transition as seamless as possible, ensuring that you feel comfortable and supported every step of the way.

Don’t wait any longer to find your forever home. Reach out to Care Fast today and let us be your guide on the path to a brighter future. Explore our properties across Melbourne and take the first step towards finding the perfect accommodation that suits your needs.

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